Peralta Trustee candidates answer questions at Laney College
>> Thursday, September 30, 2010
Candidates for the two contested seats for the Peralta Colleges Board of Trustees answered question from students, faculty and staff at a noontime forum Sept. 28 at Laney College.
Incumbents Linda Handy (Area 3) and Bill Riley (Area 5), currently the board’s longest-serving trustees, spent most of the forum defended their tenures on the board. Challengers Monica Tell and William J. Mattox criticized trustees referring a recent Alameda County Grand Jury Report that found the board’s weak oversight has jeopardized Peralta’s accreditation.
“This is a mess here at Peralta,” Mattox said. “They have failed in terms of oversight. They have failed in terms of their own policies.”
Referring to Peralta’s accreditation status, Tell said, “We’re not on probation because of something that happened last year. We’re not in fiscal chaos because of something that happened last year. This has been going on a long time.”
“There has been credit card abuse. There’s been no bid contracts,” Tell added.
Tell’s thinly-veiled comments referred to personal credit card purchases by trustee – and current mayoral candidate – Marcie Hodge made with a district credit card, and a contract trustees awarded to a long-time friend and former business partner of then Chancellor Elihu Harris that eventually ballooned to nearly $1 million before the contract was revoked for shoddy work.
“Stop giving money to our friends,” Tell said.
Handy called the credit card expenses “unconscionable.”
Riley seemed to downplay the significance of the scathing report.
“The Grand Jury identified many areas. Since that time, we’ve taken many steps to correct those items,” Riley said. “I appreciate the grand jury and their involvement to support the district. We take their recommendations to heart.”
Initially, about 10 people attended the forum. As time passed, about 30 people joined the event in the college’s Forum. Although few in attendance admitted to reading the grand jury’s report, most left the forum with a copy that Mattox printed out and distributed to students.
Trying to distinguish the district’s accreditation issues from the report, Handy stated Peralta’s accreditation status is a result of challenges with Peoplesoft and transparency issues with financial reporting systems. He added that Peralta has taken steps to address the issues – firing the previous chief financial officer.
“Peralta intends to be off accreditation probation June 1,” Handy said. But Mattox disagreed, saying the district has had issues with accreditation since 2004.
“It’s pie in the sky to think they will be off probation,” Mattox said.
Handy and Riley spoke highly of Peralta’s efforts to upgrade the colleges’ facilities.
Handy said that she worked over the last four year’s on Peralta’s Student Health Center.
“You deserve the best facilities and you deserve to have quality instruction,” Handy said.
Referring to the new Berkeley City College campus and the refurbished Laney football field, Riley said, “Those are for students so they can have facilities that are first class.”
When asked by faculty if trustees should apologize, Handy said that she would think removing the chancellor and the CFO would send a strong message.
“An apology is owed to the entire Peralta system,” Handy said. “It is owed to the trustees for being lied to. Everyone in Oakland deserves an apology.” Handy also took aim at the Oakland Tribune, which she said only publishes negative news about Peralta.
Riley responded, “of course,” as he prepared to leave the forum.
“We’re moving in a very positive direction. Peralta is a jewel,” he said. “We educate students no one else will educate in this state.”
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